
New publication!

3 października 2024

Another paper describing the results of the HEETII project has been published. This time you will learn the secrets of composite rail tests for suspended railways. Kindly invite you to read https://doi.org/10.24425/ams.2024.151448

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HEETII project gets another award!

28 maja 2024

The HEETII project has been awarded the Diploma of the Minister of Science for the high-profile awards obtained regarding the presentation and promotion of inventions at the 2023 International Invention Fairs.

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Next publication is ready!

10 marca 2024

Next paper describing the wireless energy transfer developed within HEETII has been published. Feel free to download it: http://pe.org.pl/articles/2024/3/5.pdf

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5 new awards for the HEETII project!

12 lutego 2024

The technical solutions developed by the HEETII project were awarded a Gold Medal, Gold Prize, Certificate of Apreciation and 2 Special Awards at the IPITEx 2024 (IPITEX- Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition). The expo was held as part of the 25th Thailand Inventors’ Day theme for…

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Project complete!

31 grudnia 2023

Project complete! About 50 people, representing 7 European partners, have worked together for 3.5 years to develop innovative power transmission systems, a suspended composite track and a monitoring and wireless communication system for underground mining. Of course, our adventure does not end at this stage, the completed prototypes will be…

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A new award for the HEETII project!

20 listopada 2023

The systems developed by the HEETII project were awarded the Platinum Medal at the international PIRX EFFEL 2023 innovation and invention contest in Paris! Event is addressed to R&D units, an innovative companies and individual inventors. Thank you for such a significant appreciation!

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HEETII project Workshop successfully accomplished!

17 listopada 2023

On 17 November 2023, the HEETII Project Workshop was held. We were honoured by the presence of more than 50 participants representing 15 companies from the mining industry, new technologies, electrical systems, transport systems and technical universities. During the Workshop, participants were able to see with their own eyes a…

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Last Special Session and Final Meeting took place

7 listopada 2023

Three years of the project are over. Today, during the KOMTECH2023 international conference, the last special session dedicated entirely to the HEETII project took place. Project partners gave 5 presentations on wireless and single-wire energy transmission, composite suspended train track, sensor and communication systems, and prototype testing under the conditions…

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Workshop ahead!

16 października 2023

Regarding the upcoming finalisation of the HEETII project, we warmly invite you to participate in a workshop scheduled for 17 November 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at the Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute Barbara Experimental Mine, Mikolow, 72 Podleska Street (Building A), POLAND. During the workshop we have planned…

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A new paper has been published!

4 września 2023

The project partners have prepared another publication describing the first results of tests of systems developed by the HEETII project. The publication is available under OpenAccess so you are warmly invited to read it: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/16/17/6120

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HEET II has been awarded!

29 maja 2023

Gold Medal at The 16th International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG 2023 was awarded to HEETII !!! Great job HEETII team! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/instytut-techniki-g%C3%B3rniczej-komag_pl-z%C5%82oty-medal-podczas-mi%C4%99dzynarodowych-activity-7069642320488337410-Yori?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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The 5th progress meeting is over.

26 kwietnia 2023

It was a great pleasure to see the HEETII partners in Aachen for the 5th Progress Meeting of the HEETII project! Beautiful city, wonderful RWTH hospitality, fruitful discussions. We summarised the work progress. The prototype is almost finished and installed in KD Barbara. Selected tests are running. So we are…

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WP5 has taken off!

3 kwietnia 2023

Work Package 5 has started, where we are developing safety operating guidlines. This is the final package of the HEETII project.

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The 5th progress meeting of HEETII project is ahead of us.

30 stycznia 2023

We are beginning preparations for the 5th progressive meeting of HEETII project. This time we will meet on 25 April 2023 in Aachen, Germany, at the RWTH University. See you there!

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The 4th Progress Meeting took place

12 października 2022

This time, we met among all HEETII project consortium members during the scientific conference KOMTECH 2022, in Szczyrk, Poland. The progress of WP3, WP4 and WP5 was presented. We are moving towards the completion of the prototype construction, launching the first tests and trials, collecting data and analysing them. In…

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We have reached the third milestone of the HEETII project.

29 czerwca 2022

Milestone aims on decision whether the current stage of development of the individual subsystems of the HEET II project allows their integration at the underground research stand. This decision depended mainly on the advancement of design, assembly and research works on respective components of the system. Consultations between the consortium…

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The HEETII Partners participated in the 3rd Progress Meeting

1 czerwca 2022

The third Progress Meeting was held from 31 May to 1 June 2022. The meeting was attended by all HEETII project Partners. Thanks to the very good organisation of the meeting by SWE we were hosted by Zamecek Petrovice. During the meeting 7 presentations were given about the project progress,…

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A meeting of TGK1 members, experts and project coordinators was held

24 maja 2022

The next TGK1 meeting was held on 24 May 2022, where the progress of 16 projects was presented and discussed. Important policy change issues were identified. Special attention was given to the indication of objectives, results achieved, communication, dissemination, exploitation, lessons learned, impacts on industry and society. We look forward…

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Reports were prepared and submitted for evaluation

18 marca 2022

On 18 March 2022, the consortium prepared and submitted reports for the first project period for assessment. We would like to thank all partners for their joint and fruitful cooperation over the last 18 months.

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Second Milestone achieved!

28 lutego 2022

The HEET II project is half-way completed. We have developed specification of the research programme, thus reaching the second milestone. Congratulations to the Consortium Members!

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Next publication on HEETII

13 stycznia 2022

Please feel free to read another publication about HEETII. This time we describe a wireless powered communication and monitoring subsystem. https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/15/2/576 Full paper: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/15/2/576/pdf

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WP4 launched!

1 stycznia 2022

WP4 started with the new year. New challenges await our team from the beginning of 2022, as we prepare for the launch of the test bed and tests at the KD Barbara experimental mine.

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First publication on HEETII

13 listopada 2021

The first publication in the field of HEETII has been released. It describes selected aspects of single-wire and wireless electricity transmission. Please feel invited to read it! https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9604052

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2nd progress meeting successfully completed!

12 października 2021

We are pleased to announce that the second progress meeting took place on 12 October 2021. The meeting was attended by representatives of all HEETII project Partners. This time we were hosted at the scientific and technical conference KOMTECH 2021, which took place in Szczyrk, Poland. During the conference 4…

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HEET II at KOMTECH 2021 conference!

8 października 2021

All interested in modern mining and energy technologies are warmly invited to visit the scientific and technical conference KOMTECH 2021 http://imtech.komag.eu/en/komtech-en/ . As part of the KOMTECH 2021 conference, on October 12, 2021, at 12:30, a plenary session dedicated to the HEET II project will be organized. A further progress…

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WP2 has been completed!

30 września 2021

WP2 has been completed according to schedule. As a result, the technical documentation for all energy transfer subsystems, suspended composite route, monitoring and data transmission and test bed has been developed. All deliverables have been uploaded to SYGMA. I would like to thank all partners for their efficient work in…

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First Milestone achieved!

28 czerwca 2021

The HEET II project is gaining speed. We have developed the full technical specification of the system, thus reaching the first milestone. Congratulations to the Partners!

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Progress meeting successfully completed!

14 maja 2021

We are pleased to inform that next progress meeting was held on 14 May 2021. The meeting was attended by representatives of all HEETII project Partners. This time we were hosted by the Silesian University of Technology, the coordinator of WP2. During the meeting were discussed progress in development of technical…

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TGK1 evaluates HEETII

22 kwietnia 2021

On 22 April 2021, the progress of the HEETII project was assessed by TGK1 experts. The technical assumptions and the achievement of the objectives were presented. We look forward to the results of the evaluation.

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WP3 started

1 kwietnia 2021

We are starting work in WP3. The aim of the package is to build a hardware model that will be used for functional testing at the Barbara experimental mine next year.

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WP1 has been completed

31 marca 2021

Work package WP1 has been completed. As a result, key technical deliverables relating to the HEETII system have been developed. All deliverables have been uploaded to SYGMA on schedule. Thank you to all Partners for their hard work in developing the technical deliverables.

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WP2 was launched

1 stycznia 2021

Work package WP2, dedicated to the development of the technical design, has just started. We have until the end of September 2021 to complete WP2, but we are not slowing down our efforts and keeping up to date as WP3, the work package focused on building the hardware model, starts…

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The kickoff meeting is already behind us

17 września 2020

On September 15th, 2020 the kickoff meeting of HEET II project took place. The meeting was attended by 15 guests representing 7 Partners. Presentations of companies and persons involved in the project were made. Works to be done, deadlines, milestones and expected deliverables were discussed. The next meeting will be…

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Kickoff meeting

7 lipca 2020

Consortium took the decision about kickoff meeting date on September 15th, 2020.

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The Grant Agreement

1 lipca 2020

The Grant Agreement has been signed by all of the Partners and the European Commission. WP1 and WP6 have been launched. Work has begun!

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European Commission has made the positive decision

30 stycznia 2020

European Commission took the positive decision about financing the HEET II project.

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